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Lisa Loves: Health + Lifestyle
I take terrible care of my fingernails! They just kind of get forgotten
But I do like some colour on my toenails. I’ve tried a lot of the toxin-free nail polishes but the one I like the most and that seems to last the longest is the Butter London brand. My daughters like some of the more ‘out there’ colours but I like me some Hottie Tottie or Knees Up.
Try it on here
Click the icon if you want to check out more
*I am not an affiliate!
Face Yoga!
Some friends of mine alerted me to something called ‘face yoga’ recently. Now, you might be aware of this but it was definitely new to me!
Here’s an example:
What I love about it is that I feel like I’m flexing muscles I never knew I had!! And I find it quite relaxing and relieving of pressure that I didn’t know was there. I don’t hold out much hope it will reverse the ageing process (and that’s not a goal of mine anyway) but I have enjoyed a few sessions and it feels like something really nice and nourishing I can do for myself.
I mean - who knew this was even a thing!?
Lisa Loves: Home + Heart
It’s back to school time for us and instead of sharing my go-to lunchbox food I thought I’d share MY favourite lunches for working weeks. Our nourishment matters too 😉
This is a lunch I put in a saucepan when I thought there was ‘nothing to eat’. It’s two slices of bacon, a handful of halved cherry tomatoes, some ‘about to be thrown out’ mushrooms cooked in butter and olive oil with a few chopped garlic cloves. Once cooked I threw in a few handfuls of spinach until wilted, added the juice of half a lemon and put it all on a plate topped with half an avocado, a spoonful of hummus and some goats cheese. Salt and pepper too! OMG SO YUM!

I know I mentioned the RecipeTin Eats Cookbook last month - it’s honestly so good! But I found this video of my favourite make ahead meal for my lunches - it’s the Baked Ratatouille with Beans and it’s just delicious. The boyfriend takes some to the office and I heat it up on the stove at home with some sourdough.
Read more here
I LOVE op-shopping. Most of our furniture is second-hand. When I saw this piece - I knew it would make the perfect desk for my son for Secondary School. It’s been fun to work on his room and upgrade it for the next stage of his life - I just hope he sits at the desk and does his homework!

Lisa Loves: Mind + Soul
What I’m reading:
Four Thousand Weeks - Time Management for Mortals
I am LOVING this book! It’s based on the premise that we have a limited time to live (four thousands weeks on average) and that if we embrace that then we are going to make better use of our time because we know we don’t have much.
Here’s an excerpt:
“In practical terms, a limit-embracing attitude to time means organising your days with the understanding that you definitely won’t have time for everything you want to do, or that other people want you to do - and so, at the very least, you can stop beating yourself up for failing. Since hard choices are unavoidable, what matters is learning to make them consciously, deciding what to focus on and what to neglect, rather than letting them get made by default - or deceiving yourself that, with enough hard work and the right time management tricks, you might not have to make them at all.”
Oh this book is a breath of fresh air!
What I’m listening to:
Outwitting the Devil by Napolean Hill on Audible
This is a slightly controversial book and definitely won’t be for everyone. I am revisiting it again after a few years and am taking what I want and leaving things that seem problematic! Napolean Hill wrote it in the 1930’s and it was only published recently. It’s creatively written - in the style of Hill interviewing the Devil. Mostly it’s about the power of mastering your thoughts.
The Devil talks about being a ‘drifter’ - which is someone who hasn’t realised they have the power to use their own mind and think for themselves. It’s helpful to hear some really great reminders in this book of the power we have over our own fate.
Want More? Try it on here
Big love
until next month…